
Grow your team

Find your next perfect hire, verify credentials and upskill your workforce with industry-leading experts.

Move your team forward with ODEM

Find your next perfect hire by accessing thousands of first-rate candidates from around the world, trained in exactly the skills you require. ODEM makes verifying candidate credentials easy. As part of the authentication process, ODEM automatically presents you with verification of the candidate’s previous educators and employers.

ODEM also helps teams to move forward by directly connecting with leading educators to create continuing education programs that are custom-built for your workforce and saves you from making expensive, unnecessary redundant hires. ODEM Educators include respected academics, working experts and thought-leaders operating at an industry-disrupting level. Whether hiring, on-boarding or training, ODEM has the key to keep your workforce on top.


How it Works



Get direct access to a highly-qualified pool of real contenders matching your professional profile requirements who have recently completed specific educational programs.



Develop customized onboarding courses with respected academics, working experts and thought-leaders operating at an industry-disrupting level, all of whose credentials are verified on the blockchain.



Nurture your workforce by providing training courses that are tailored to your goals and your team’s needs.